
I love popsicles in the summer and they don’t get easier than this recipe and it’s so good for you! Simply combine the coconut milk and sweetener together then top each popsicle with cacao nibs and raspberries until the popsicle mold is completely filled! Freeze overnight and you’ll have an amazing and creamy treat. You may need to use 1 ½ cans of coconut milk depending on how big your popsicle molds are (1 can is 14 oz). Adjust the sweetener accordingly if you do this which you can do by taste. 1 oz of cacao nibs is 2 T.


  • 14 ounce coconut milk by chaokoh
  • 7 drop stevia liquid
  • 1 ounce cacao nibs by navitas
  • 1 cup raspberries


  1. Mix one can of coconut milk with liquid stevia. I added 7 drops but add this to taste.
  2. Fill the popsicle molds about ¾ of the way with coconut milk.
  3. Then top each popsicle with 1 t of cacao nibs.
  4. Add raspberries until the line of coconut milk fills the entire popsicle.
  5. Add the sticks and freeze overnight or until hard.
  6. 6) Run popsicle molds under hot water until the popsicles release from the mold. Serve cold!

Nutrition Facts

  • Servings: 6
  • Calories: 156.7kcal (per serving)
  • Fat: 13.7g (per serving)
  • Carbs: 5.8g (per serving)
  • Protein: 2.6g (per serving)