
These frozen yogurt bars are perfect for kids! Refined sugar-free, these yogurt bars are made with fewer ingredients than store-bought flavored yogurt. The bars start with full-fat Greek yogurt (most store-bought yogurt bars are made using low-fat yogurt). Then the yogurt is blended with fresh strawberries and raw honey. The mixture is blended with an immersion blender and then poured into individual popsicle molds. Feel free to use any popsicle mold you have.

My popsicle molds make more or less than this recipe says.

If this happens, you can copy this recipe to My Foods and edit the serving amount to the correct serving size to adjust calories.

Can I add other fruits?

Yes, feel free to add any other berries like blackberries or blueberries for a similar macro count.

How long do bars last in the freezer?

Bars can last for up to one month in the freezer, but I bet they will not last that long!


  • 17.25 oz greek yogurt plain low fat
  • ¾ cup strawberries, fresh
  • 1 ¾ tablespoon honey
  • 3 fl oz whole milk


  1. Combine the whole fat greek yogurt with chopped fresh strawberries, honey, and milk.
  2. Use an immersion blender to puree the strawberries into the yogurt. Puree until smooth.
  3. Pour mixture into individual popsicle molds and freeze until firm, about 8 hours but preferably overnight.
  4. Run cool water on the outside of the molds to release the popsicles. Serve immediately.

Nutrition Facts

  • Servings: 6
  • Calories: 93.3kcal/390.6kJ (per serving)
  • Fat: 2.1g (per serving)
  • Carbs: 10.4g (per serving)
  • Protein: 8.7g (per serving)