
A cold brew coffee on a warm or hot day is the perfect treat. No matter your diet, everyone can enjoy a cup of coffee, but a Keto BULLETPROOF® coffee can arguably taste even better than your typical coffee-shop cup. Choose your favorite coffee and make a glass of cold brew. Then, instead of stirring butter into hot coffee to melt it, you’ll need to microwave your butter first. Then, use a bullet blender to blend the coffee and fat into a smooth drink. You can keep this coffee classy by slowly pouring it over a little heavy cream that’s been ‘spiked’ with a splash of vanilla extract.

What is the history of cold brew coffee?

This simple Keto recipe is a fast-paced version of cold brew coffee. Cold brew coffee is traditionally made with cold water and steeped for an extended period of time. This gives the cold brew a notoriously higher caffeine content than regular hot coffee. Where most innovative technologies are discovered, cold brew has been traced back to Japan for centuries. After becoming a trendy style of drink over the last few years, cold brew would appear to be a more modern invention, but it appears that just the marketing tactics have been modernized!

What are some other fun ways to add fats to your coffee?

If you don’t like the butter in butter coffee, there are other full-fat dairy products or non-dairy products you can try out in your coffee. Trade out the butter for extra heavy cream and blend extra well before drinking. Clotted cream would also make a delicious and fluffy addition to stir into your Keto coffee.

Can you adapt this Keto beverage to a vegan diet?

For vegans, coconut oil is the common go-to for vegan “butter” coffee. Use coconut oil just like butter by either melting it first in your microwave or stirring it straight into hot coffee. Each product has varying amounts of fat macros, so make sure to adjust how much of each product you use accordingly. You can also swap the heavy cream for coconut milk.

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  • 8 fluid ounce black coffee
  • ½ tablespoon unsalted butter
  • 1 tablespoon heavy cream
  • ⅛ teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. Brew an 8-oz glass of cold brew coffee. Melt the butter in a microwave and stir it into the coffee, then use a bullet blender or immersion blender to blend the fat into the coffee. If you don’t have a machine that makes cold brew, simply brew a regular cup of coffee and quickly cool it down by pouring it into a cold glass and storing it in your freezer for up to 30 minutes.
  2. Next, pour the cream and vanilla extract into a new glass and slowly pour the cold brew butter coffee into the cream. You can stir the coffee to have a uniform drink or you can leave the cream and vanilla half-mixed into the coffee as you drink it.

Nutrition Facts

  • Servings: 1
  • Calories: 105.4kcal/440.8kJ (per serving)
  • Fat: 11.2g (per serving)
  • Carbs: 1.6g (per serving)
  • Protein: 0.8g (per serving)